Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nothing else to do..let's make bread!!

   So today had other plans for me.Josh is not feeling well and the house is done and I had to make lunch.So I got thinking about the Mediterranean Olive Bread in The Joy of Vegan baking on pg 58.I have been really wanting to make it since I seen it.So might as well take a crack at it.First I had to pick my egg replacement...I did the flax seed trick for my pies at Easter.So I wanted to try Egg Replacer ( it's potato starch and tapioca flour) it comes in the most retro looking box~I HAD to take a picture.
I think they need a new picture.This one has got to be from when I was little.Which isn't that old:)
  The bread turned out lovely.This bread had hits of different flavour with every bite.Walnuts, rosemary (from my pot) sundried tomatoes and olives.Josh gave it me a top compliment"I love this bread mama." It can't get any better than that!!
   The bread was baking so I thought I needed a soup to go with it.So out came Skinny Bitch Ultimate Everyday Cookbook by Kim Barnouin she has a Black bean and Tomato Soup I wanted to try on pg 99.I had been wanting to try a soup since have been watching The Spork Sisters make soup with their immersion blender.I had asked and received an immersion blender for my Christmas from my in laws. I have not used it yet.( I have no idea why soup made me so nervous,my mom and dad tell me about their soups all the time)So I was excited to try that bad boy.It was AWESOME!! I loved this soup it had just a hit of spicy but, not hot..Josh doesn't like hot.This recipe got a "Yum, you make good stuff mama." Two for two today.I loved that he would eat this it has protein,tons of veg and lots of nourishment.Yeah!!

 I have to hope we will get some heat from the sun soon.It has been a cold spring .But one amazing thing I love, our little spring birds are back.They are loving our bird feeders in the tree.I can open the computer room window and they sing all day.I am calling our place the "bird belt". The amount of birds in front of our house and behind is crazy.The other day the ground was moving there were so many.Josh and I had to go out back to check it out.When my friend and I went for a walk it was quiet a couple of blocks down then back on our street it was alive with birds singing.I love it!! I did take a picture I have no idea what birds they are I will have to look it up.They are the cutest things ever!!